
SUMMARY of submodules:


SUMMARY of classes:

See sidebar.

class Address

class pyuaf.util.Address(*args)

An Address points to a node within an server address space by means of an absolute address (an ExpandedNodeId) or by means of a relative address (a path relative to another address).

An “address” is a term defined by the UAF, and not by the OPC UA standard. It’s basically a union class that holds the information to identify a node within an address space. Several addresses can all point to the same node.

A relative address may point to other relative addresses. More formally, the starting point of an Address based on a relative path, may also be an Address based on a relative path in turn. This way you can define large and complex hierarchies of relative addresses, with just a single absolute address (based on an ExpandedNodeId) as the starting point.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new Address by providing either

    Usage example:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import Address, NodeId, ExpandedNodeId, RelativePathElement, QualifiedName, BrowsePath
    >>> # the following ways of constructing a Address are possible:
    >>> address0 = Address( ExpandedNodeId("someId", "someNsUri", "someServerUri") )
    >>> address1 = Address( NodeId("someId", "someNsUri"), "someServerUri" )
    >>> address2 = Address( address0, [RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("someName", "someNsUri"))] )
    >>> address3 = Address( address1, [RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("someOtherName", 3))] )
    >>> address3 = Address( BrowsePath( ExpandedNodeId("someId", "someNsUri", "someServerUri"),
    ...                                 [RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("someOtherName", 3))] ) )
    >>> # you may also provide a single RelativePathElement in case the relative path contains just
    >>> # one element:
    >>> address4 = Address( address1, RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("someOtherNameToo", 3)) )

    Check if the address is defined as an ExpandedNodeId.

    Returns:True if the address is based on an ExpandedNodeId (and you’re allowed to call getExpandedNodeId()), False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the address is defined as a RelativePath.

    Returns:True if the address is based on a RelativePath and another Address (and you’re allowed to call getStartingAddress() and getRelativePath()), False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the ExpandedNodeId in case isExpandedNodeId() returns True.

    Returns:The ExpandedNodeId corresponding with this Address.
    Return type:ExpandedNodeId

    Get the RelativePath in case isRelativePath() returns True.

    Returns:The RelativePath corresponding with this Address, as a tuple of RelativePathElement.

    Get a pointer (not a copy of the actual object itself!) to the starting address in case isRelativePath() returns True.

    Returns:A reference to the starting address.
    Return type:Address

class ApplicationDescription

class pyuaf.util.ApplicationDescription(*args)

An ApplicationDescription instance describes a Server or Client or ClientAndServer, or a DiscoveryServer.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ApplicationDescription.


    Is this a valid application description or an empty one?

    Return type:bool
  • Attributes:


    The application URI as a string (type str).


    The product URI as a string (type str).


    The application name as a localized text (type LocalizedText).


    The application type as an int (as defined in pyuaf.util.applicationtypes).


    The gateway server URI as a string (type str).


    The discovery profile URI as a string (type str).


    The discovery URLs as a list of strings (type StringVector).

class ApplicationDescriptionVector

class pyuaf.util.ApplicationDescriptionVector(*args)

An ApplicationDescriptionVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.ApplicationDescription. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of ApplicationDescription.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ApplicationDescriptionVector, ApplicationDescription

>>> # construct a ApplicationDescriptionVector without elements:
>>> descriptions = ApplicationDescriptionVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 0

>>> descriptions.append(ApplicationDescription())

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 1

>>> descriptions.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 4

>>> description0 = descriptions[0]

>>> # you may construct an ApplicationDescriptionVector from a regular Python list:
>>> otherDescriptions = ApplicationDescriptionVector( [ApplicationDescription(), ApplicationDescription()] )

class BrowsePath

class pyuaf.util.BrowsePath(*args)

A BrowsePath holds a path from a resolved starting node (an ExpandedNodeId) to another node within the address space.

  • Methods:

    __init__([startingExpandedNodeId[, relativePath]])

    Construct a new BrowsePath.

    You may optionally provide a starting point for the browse path (a pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId) and optionally provide a relative path (which is a RelativePath, resembling a list of RelativePathElement).

  • Attributes:


    The starting point (as an ExpandedNodeId)) of the relative path.


    The relative path as a list of qualified names The type of this attribute is RelativePath, which resembles a list of RelativePathElement.

class ByteStringVector

class pyuaf.util.ByteStringVector(*args)

An ByteStringVector is a container that holds elements of the built-in Python type bytearray. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of bytearray.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ByteStringVector

>>> # construct a ByteStringVector without elements:
>>> vec = ByteStringVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(bytearray("abcd"))

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 4

>>> # vec[0] was already assigned to bytearray("abcd")
>>> vec[1] = bytearray("efgh")
>>> vec[2] = bytearray("ijkl")
>>> vec[3] = bytearray("mnop")

class DataChangeFilter

class pyuaf.util.DataChangeFilter(*args)

A DataChangeFilter specifies a deadband filter for monitored data items.

  • Methods:


    Create a default DataChangeFilter instance.



    Get a string representation.

  • Class attributes:

    • for the dead band type:

      DeadBandType_None = 0

      An int identifying the kind of deadband: in this case no deadband at all!

      DeadBandType_Absolute = 1

      An int identifying the kind of deadband: in this case an absolute deadband.

      DeadBandType_Percent = 2

      An int identifying the kind of deadband: in this case a relative deadband (in percent).

    • for the data change trigger:

      DataChangeTrigger_Status = 0

      An int identifying the kind of trigger: in this case trigger when the status changes!

      DataChangeTrigger_StatusValue = 1

      An int identifying the kind of trigger: in this case trigger when the status or the value changes!

      DataChangeTrigger_StatusValueTimestamp = 2

      An int identifying the kind of trigger: in this case trigger when the status or the value or the timestamp changes!

  • Attributes:


    The kind of trigger, as one of these int values: DataChangeTrigger_Status or DataChangeTrigger_StatusValue or DataChangeTrigger_StatusValueTimestamp.


    The type of dead band, as one of these int values: DeadBandType_None or DeadBandType_Absolute or DeadBandType_Percent.


    Value of the deadband, as a float.

class DataValue

class pyuaf.util.DataValue(*args)

A DataValue holds some data value, a status, timestamps, ...

  • Methods:


    Construct a new DataValue.


    Get a string representation

    Return type:str
  • Attributes:


    The data, as one of the data types described in A note on dynamic data types.


    The OPC UA status code (see specs part 4) of the data, as an int.


    The source time stamp of the data, as a DateTime instance.


    The server time stamp of the data, as a DateTime instance.


    The number of 10 picosecond intervals that need to be added to the source timestamp (to get a higher time resolution), as an int.


    The number of 10 picosecond intervals that need to be added to the server timestamp (to get a higher time resolution), as an int.

class DataValueVector

class pyuaf.util.DataValueVector(*args)

An DataValueVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.DataValue. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.DataValue.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import DataValueVector, DataValue
>>> from pyuaf.util import NodeId, LocalizedText
>>> from pyuaf.util import primitives

>>> # construct a DataValueVector without elements:
>>> vec = DataValueVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append( DataValue(primitives.UInt32(1234)) )

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 4

>>> # vec[0] was already assigned to an UInt32
>>> vec[1].data = primitives.String("some text")
>>> vec[2].data = NodeId("SomeId", "SomeNsUri")
>>> vec[3].data = LocalizedText("en", "Some English Text")

>>> # you may construct an DataValueVector from a regular Python list:
>>> otherVec = DataValueVector( [ DataValue(), DataValue(primitives.Boolean(True))] )

class DateTime

class pyuaf.util.DateTime(*args)

An DateTime holds a timestamp.

Short example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> import time, datetime
>>> from pyuaf.util import DateTime

>>> nowDateTime =
>>> nowDateTime2 = DateTime(time.time()) # equally valid alternative

>>> nowStringRepresentation = str(nowDateTime)

>>> # create a time in the future (note that 567 milliseconds have been added on the last line!)
>>> futureTimeFloat = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(year   = 2023,
...                                                 month  =    6,
...                                                 day    =   18,
...                                                 hour   =    9,
...                                                 minute =   12,
...                                                 second =   34).timetuple()) + 0.567
>>> futureDateTime = DateTime(futureTimeFloat)

>>> # equally valid alternative:
>>> futureDateTime2 = DateTime()
>>> futureDateTime2.setCtime(futureTimeFloat)

>>> # calculate the number of days difference between "now" and the "future"
>>> daysDifference = nowDateTime.daysTo(futureDateTime)
  • Methods:


    You can construct a pyuaf.util.DateTime instance by providing a floating point number which represents the number of seconds (+ milliseconds after the comma) since UTC 1 January 1970 (= 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).


    True if the datetime is NULL, False if it has a real value.

    Returns:True if the datetime is NULL, false if it has a real value.
    Return type:bool

    Get the time as a FILETIME, i.e. as a 64-bit integer corresponding to the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC).

    Returns:The time as a 64-bit number.
    Return type:long

    Get the time as a string representation, e.g. “2013-05-21T12:34:56.789Z”.

    Returns:The time as a string.
    Return type:str

    Get the date part as a string representation, e.g. “2013-05-21”.

    Returns:The date as a string.
    Return type:str

    Get the time part as a string representation, e.g. “12:34:56.789Z”.

    Returns:The time without the date, as a string.
    Return type:str

    Get the time part as the number of seconds since UTC 1 January 1970 (= 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

    Returns:The time as an integer.
    Return type:int

    Update the time to the given floating point value, corresponding to the number of seconds (+ milliseconds, after the comma) since UTC 1 January 1970 (= 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

    Parameters:t (float) – The time , e.g. time.time() for the current time.
    Returns:The time as a DateTime object.
    Return type:DateTime

    Get the milliseconds part of the timestamp.

    Returns:The number of milliseconds after the second.
    Return type:int

    Get the number of days from this instance to the argument instance.

    Parameters:other (DateTime) – Another DateTime instance.
    Returns:The number of days difference.
    Return type:int

    Get the number of seconds from this instance to the argument instance.

    Parameters:other (DateTime) – Another DateTime instance.
    Returns:The number of seconds difference.
    Return type:int

    Get the number of milliseconds from this instance to the argument instance.

    Parameters:other (DateTime) – Another DateTime instance.
    Returns:The number of milliseconds difference.
    Return type:int

    Add a number of seconds to the timestamp.

    Parameters:secs (int) – Number of seconds to add.

    Add a number of milliseconds to the timestamp.

    Parameters:msecs (int) – Number of milliseconds to add.
  • Static functions:

    static now()

    Static function to get the current time.

    Returns:The current time.
    Return type:DateTime
    static fromString(s)

    Static function to convert the given string into a DateTime object.

    Parameters:s (str) – The string, e.g. “2013-05-21T12:34:56.789Z”.
    Returns:The time from the string.
    Return type:DateTime
    static fromTime_t(t)

    Static function to convert the given time (as an integer corresponding to long(time.time())) into a DateTime object.

    This time (“time_t”) is the number of seconds since UTC 1 January 1970 = 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.

    Parameters:t (long) – The time , e.g. long(time.time()) + 3 for the current time + 3 seconds.
    Returns:The time as a DateTime object.
    Return type:DateTime
    static fromFileTime(t)

    Static function to convert the given time (as a 64-bit integer corresponding to FILETIME (= the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 UTC).

    Parameters:t (long) – The FILETIME.
    Returns:The time as a DateTime object.
    Return type:DateTime
    static sleep(secs)

    Static function to sleep a number of seconds.

    Parameters:secs (int) – Number of seconds to sleep.
    static msleep(msecs)

    Static function to sleep a number of milliseconds.

    Parameters:msecs (int) – Number of milliseconds to sleep.

class DateTimeVector

class pyuaf.util.DateTimeVector(*args)

A DateTimeVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.DateTime. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of DateTime.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> import time, datetime
>>> from pyuaf.util import DateTimeVector, DateTime

>>> # construct a DateTimeVector without elements:
>>> vec = DateTimeVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(DateTime(time.time()))

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(2)

>>> vec[1].setCtime(time.time())
>>> vec[1].addSecs(3)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a DateTimeVector from a regular Python list:
>>> fromTime = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(year   = 2013,
...                                          month  =    6,
...                                          day    =   18,
...                                          hour   =    9,
...                                          minute =   12,
...                                          second =   34).timetuple()) + 0.567 # 567 msec
>>> toTime = time.mktime(datetime.datetime(year   = 2014,
...                                        month  =    1,
...                                        day    =   30,
...                                        hour   =   12,
...                                        minute =   34,
...                                        second =   56).timetuple()) + 0.789 # 789 msec
>>> someOtherVec = DateTimeVector( [ DateTime(fromTime), DateTime(toTime) ] )

class EndpointDescription

class pyuaf.util.EndpointDescription(*args)

An EndpointDescription instance describes an endpoint of a Server (as returned during the discovery process, so that the client can choose an endpoint and connect to it).

class EndpointDescriptionVector

class pyuaf.util.EndpointDescriptionVector(*args)

An EndpointDescriptionVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.EndpointDescription. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.EndpointDescription.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import EndpointDescriptionVector, EndpointDescription

>>> # construct a EndpointDescriptionVector without elements:
>>> descriptions = EndpointDescriptionVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 0

>>> descriptions.append(EndpointDescription())

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 1

>>> descriptions.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(descriptions) # will be 4

>>> description0 = descriptions[0]

>>> # you may construct an EndpointDescriptionVector from a regular Python list:
>>> otherDescriptions = EndpointDescriptionVector( [EndpointDescription(), EndpointDescription()] )

class EnumValue

class pyuaf.util.EnumValue(*args)

An EnumValue represents a child of an enumerated value definition.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new EnumValue, in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import EnumValue, LocalizedText
    >>> e0 = EnumValue()
    >>> e1 = EnumValue(1)
    >>> e2 = EnumValue(1, "manual")
    >>> e3 = EnumValue(1, "manual", LocalizedText("en", "Manual operation mode") )

    Get the numeric value of the EnumValue.

    Returns:The numeric value.
    Return type:int

    Set the numeric value of the EnumValue.

    Parameters:i (int) – The new numeric value.

    Get the name of the EnumValue.

    Returns:The name.
    Return type:str

    Set the name of the EnumValue.

    Parameters:name (str) – The new name.

    Get the documentation of the EnumValue.

    Returns:Documentation about the value.
    Return type:LocalizedText

    Set the documentation of the EnumValue.

    Parameters:documentation (LocalizedText) – The new documentation.

class EventFilter

class pyuaf.util.EventFilter(*args)

An EventFilter selects and filters the events to be received by a client.

  • Methods:


    Create a default EventFilter instance.


    Get a string representation.

  • Attributes:


    The select clauses, as a SimpleAttributeOperandVector.

class ExpandedNodeId

class pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId(*args)

An ExpandedNodeId fully identifies the node by means of a NodeId part, and a part containing the serverIndex and/or serverUri of the server hosting the node.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ExpandedNodeId in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import ExpandedNodeId, NodeId
    >>> # suppose we have a node with the following properties:
    >>> nodeIdStringIdentifier = "myStringIdentifier"
    >>> nameSpaceUri           = "myNameSpaceUri"
    >>> nameSpaceIndex         = 3
    >>> serverUri              = "myServerUri"
    >>> serverIndex            = 2
    >>> # and one with the same namespace and server properties, but with a different identifier:
    >>> nodeIdNumericIdentifier = 1234
    >>> # then these ExpandedNodeIds all point to the nodes:
    >>> exp0  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceUri   , serverUri   )
    >>> exp1  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceUri   , serverIndex )
    >>> exp2  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceUri   , serverUri   , serverIndex)
    >>> exp3  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceIndex , serverUri   )
    >>> exp4  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceIndex , serverIndex )
    >>> exp5  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier  , nameSpaceIndex , serverUri   , serverIndex)
    >>> exp6  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceUri   , serverUri   )
    >>> exp7  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceUri   , serverIndex )
    >>> exp8  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceUri   , serverUri   , serverIndex)
    >>> exp9  = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceIndex , serverUri   )
    >>> exp10 = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceIndex , serverIndex )
    >>> exp11 = ExpandedNodeId(nodeIdNumericIdentifier , nameSpaceIndex , serverUri   , serverIndex)
    >>> # you can also define the NodeId first and provide this + serverIndex and/or serverUri
    >>> nodeId = NodeId(nodeIdStringIdentifier, nameSpaceUri, nameSpaceIndex)
    >>> exp12 = ExpandedNodeId(nodeId, serverUri   )
    >>> exp13 = ExpandedNodeId(nodeId, serverIndex )
    >>> exp14 = ExpandedNodeId(nodeId, serverUri   , serverIndex)

    Check if a server index was given.

    Returns:True if a serverIndex has been defined, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if a non-empty server URI was given.

    Returns:True if this ExpandedNodeId contains a non-empty server URI, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the server index of the ExpandedNodeId.

    This function will always return an int, so call hasServerIndex() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The server index.
    Return type:int

    Get the server URI of the ExpandedNodeId.

    This function will always return a string, so call hasServerUri() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The server URI.
    Return type:str

    Get the NodeId part of the ExpandedNodeId.

    Returns:The NodeId part.
    Return type:pyuaf.util.NodeId

class ExpandedNodeIdVector

class pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeIdVector(*args)

A ExpandedNodeIdVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of ExpandedNodeId.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ExpandedNodeIdVector, ExpandedNodeId

>>> # construct a ExpandedNodeIdVector without elements:
>>> vec = ExpandedNodeIdVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(ExpandedNodeId("some id", "http://Some/Namespace/URI", "Some:Server:URI"))

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> if vec[0].hasServerUri():
...    serverUri = vec[0].serverUri()
... else:
...    serverUri = None

>>> vec.resize(2)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a ExpandedNodeIdVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = ExpandedNodeIdVector( [ ExpandedNodeId("id 0", "MyNamespace", "serverX"),
...                                        ExpandedNodeId("id 1", "MyNamespace", "serverY") ] )

class ExtensionObject

class pyuaf.util.ExtensionObject(*args)

An ExtensionObject is a non-standard kind of data that can be encoded/decoded and be sent over the wire.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ExtensionObject.

  • Attributes:


    The NodeId that describes the encoding (type NodeId).


    The NodeId that describes the datatype (type NodeId).

class EUInformation

class pyuaf.util.EUInformation(*args)

A EUInformation conveys information about the engineering unit of a variable.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new EUInformation in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import EUInformation, ExtensionObject, LocalizedText
    >>> info1 = EUInformation()
    >>> info2 = EUInformation(ExtensionObject())
    >>> info3 = EUInformation("nsUri", 23, LocalizedText("en", "display name"), LocalizedText("en", "description"))

    Clear the object.


    Get the namespace uri as a `str`.


    Get the unit id as an `int`.


    Get the display name as a LocalizedText.


    Get the description as a LocalizedText.


    Set the namespace uri.

    Parameters:namespaceUri (`str`.) – The namespace URI.

    Set the unit id.

    Parameters:unitId (`int`.) – The unit ID.

    Set the display name.

    Parameters:displayName (LocalizedText.) – The display name.

    Set the description.

    Parameters:description (LocalizedText.) – The description.

class GenericStructureValue

class pyuaf.util.GenericStructureValue(*args)

A GenericStructureValue instance holds a structure of fields. The fields may represent values (Double, LocalizedText, ...) or other GenericStructureValue instances or arrays of GenericStructureValue.

See also

Check out example How to read and write structures? for more information.

  • Class attributes:

    • Possible Encoding types:

      Encoding_Binary = 1

      An int identifying the type of Encoding: in this case Binary!

      Encoding_Xml = 2

      An int identifying the type of Encoding: in this case XML!

  • Methods:


    Construct a new GenericStructureValue in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import GenericStructureValue, ExtensionObject, StructureDefinition
    >>> struct1 = GenericStructureValue()
    >>> struct2 = GenericStructureValue(ExtensionObject(), StructureDefinition())

    Clear the structure.


    Fill the generic structure value.

    Either you can provide a ByteString, Encoding and StructureDefinition as arguments:

    Or you can provide an ExtensionObject and a StructureDefinition:


    Change the value of a field.

    This method has two arguments.

    The first argument identifies the field. It can either be:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    The second argument sets the new value. It can either be:


    Get the value of the specified field, in case the specified field represents a built-in OPC UA value. In other words, in case the valueType() method returns the int pyuaf.util.structurefielddatatypes.Variant.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    This method will return a tuple of (value, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the specified field, in case the specified field represents a structure. In other words, in case the valueType() method returns the int pyuaf.util.structurefielddatatypes.GenericStructure.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    This method will return a tuple of (structureValue, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the specified field, in case the specified field represents an array of structures. In other words, in case the valueType() method returns the int pyuaf.util.structurefielddatatypes.GenericStructureArray.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    This method will return a tuple of (structureValueArray, statuscode).


    Get the union value of the specified field, in case the specified field represents a union. In other words, in case the valueType() method returns the int pyuaf.util.structurefielddatatypes.GenericUnion.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    This method will return a tuple of (unionValue, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the specified field, in case the specified field represents an array of unions. In other words, in case the valueType() method returns the int pyuaf.util.structurefielddatatypes.GenericUnionArray.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    This method will return a tuple of (unionValueArray, statuscode).

    • the unionValue is a Python list of GenericUnionValue instances.
    • the statuscode is an int, as defined by pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes. It will be OpcUa_Good if the field corresponds indeed to an array of unions. If the value is something else (e.g. a Double), then the statuscode will be OpcUa_BadInvalidArgument. If the field is empty, you can expect a OpcUa_BadNoData. You can easily print the name of the status code by creating a SdkStatus (with the OPC UA status code as the argument for the constructor).

    Get the definition of the structure.

    Returns:The definition of the structure.
    Return type:StructureDefinition
    setDefinition(definition, createDefaultValues=False)

    Set the definition of the structure.

    Parameters:definition (StructureDefinition) – New definition.

    Check if the field is set or not.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).
    Returns:True if the field is set, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Unset a field.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).
    Returns:The status: Good if the field could be unset, Bad otherwise. The statusCode of the SdkStatus will be OpcUa_BadInvalidArgument if the specified field could not be found.
    Return type:SdkStatus

    Get the datatype (built-in type, structure, structure array, union, ...) of a field.

    The field can be specified via the index argument.

    Parameters:index (int) – Index of the field.

    This method will return a tuple of (type, statuscode).


    Convert the structure into an ExtensionObject.

    This ExtensionObject can be written back to the server, e.g. after some fields have been changed.

    • extensionObject (ExtensionObject) – The ExtensionObject to update.
    • encoding (int) – Optional argument: the encoding for the ExtensionObject. If not specified, then the default value Encoding_Binary will be used.

    Get a string representation.

class GenericStructureVector

class pyuaf.util.GenericStructureVector(*args)

A GenericStructureVector is an array that holds elements of type GenericStructureValue. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of GenericStructureVector.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import GenericStructureVector, GenericStructureValue

>>> # construct a GenericStructureVector without elements:
>>> vec = GenericStructureVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(GenericStructureValue())

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> definition = vec[0].definition()

>>> vec.resize(2)
>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a GenericStructureVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = GenericStructureVector( [ GenericStructureValue(), GenericStructureValue() ] )

class GenericUnionValue

class pyuaf.util.GenericUnionValue(*args)

A GenericUnionValue instance holds a union of fields. The fields may represent values (Double, LocalizedText, ...) or GenericStructureValue instances or other GenericUnionValue instances or arrays of GenericUnionValue or ...

See also

Check out example How to read and write structures? for more information.

  • Class attributes:

    • Possible Encoding types:

      Encoding_Binary = 1

      An int identifying the type of Encoding: in this case Binary!

      Encoding_Xml = 2

      An int identifying the type of Encoding: in this case XML!

  • Methods:


    Construct a new GenericUnionValue in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import GenericUnionValue, ExtensionObject, StructureDefinition
    >>> union1 = GenericUnionValue()
    >>> union2 = GenericUnionValue(ExtensionObject(), StructureDefinition())

    Clear the union.


    Fill the generic union value.

    Either you can provide a ByteString, Encoding and StructureDefinition as arguments:

    Or you can provide an ExtensionObject and a StructureDefinition:


    Change the value of a field.

    This method has two arguments.

    The first argument identifies the field. It can either be:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).

    The second argument sets the new value. It can either be:


    Get the value of the active field, in case this field represents a built-in OPC UA value.

    This method will return a tuple of (value, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the active field, in case this field represents a structure.

    This method will return a tuple of (structureValue, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the active field, in case this field represents an array of structures.

    This method will return a tuple of (structureValueArray, statuscode).

    • the structureValue is a Python list of GenericUnionValue instances.
    • the statuscode is an int, as defined by pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes. It will be OpcUa_Good if the field corresponds indeed to an array of structures. If the value is something else (e.g. a Double), then the statuscode will be OpcUa_BadInvalidArgument. If the field is empty, you can expect a OpcUa_BadNoData. You can easily print the name of the status code by creating a SdkStatus (with the OPC UA status code as the argument for the constructor).

    Get the union value of the active field, in case this field represents a union.

    This method will return a tuple of (unionValue, statuscode).


    Get the structure value of the active field, in case this field represents an array of unions.

    This method will return a tuple of (unionValueArray, statuscode).

    • the unionValue is a Python list of GenericUnionValue instances.
    • the statuscode is an int, as defined by pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes. It will be OpcUa_Good if the field corresponds indeed to an array of unions. If the value is something else (e.g. a Double), then the statuscode will be OpcUa_BadInvalidArgument. If the field is empty, you can expect a OpcUa_BadNoData. You can easily print the name of the status code by creating a SdkStatus (with the OPC UA status code as the argument for the constructor).

    Get the definition of the structure.

    Returns:The definition of the structure.
    Return type:StructureDefinition

    Get the number of the active field (the switch field).

    Returns:Switch field number.
    Return type:int

    Get currently used field.

    Returns:The currently used field.
    Return type:StructureField

    Convert the structure into an ExtensionObject.

    This ExtensionObject can be written back to the server, e.g. after the field has been changed.

    • extensionObject (ExtensionObject) – The ExtensionObject to update.
    • encoding (int) – Optional argument: the encoding for the ExtensionObject. If not specified, then the default value Encoding_Binary will be used.

    Get a string representation.

class GenericUnionVector

class pyuaf.util.GenericUnionVector(*args)

A GenericUnionVector is an array that holds elements of type GenericUnionValue. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of GenericUnionVector.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import GenericUnionVector, GenericUnionValue

>>> # construct a GenericUnionVector without elements:
>>> vec = GenericUnionVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(GenericUnionValue())

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> definition = vec[0].definition()

>>> vec.resize(2)
>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a GenericUnionVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = GenericUnionVector( [ GenericUnionValue(), GenericUnionValue() ] )

class Guid

class pyuaf.util.Guid(*args)

A Guid represents a Globally unique identifier.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import Guid, NodeId, Address
>>> # create a NodeId for a known node:
>>> namespaceUri = ""
>>> guid         = Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}")
>>> nodeId       = NodeId(guid, namespaceUri)
>>> # create an address which points to that NodeId hosted by a specific server:
>>> serverUri = "/ourcompany/plantfloor/temperaturecontrollers/3"
>>> address   = Address(nodeId, serverUri)
>>> # now we can create a Client and read/write/monitor/... the addressed node
  • Methods:


    Create a Guid instance, without arguments or with a UTF-8 str argument (e.g. “{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}”).


    Get a UTF-8 string representation.


    Change the value of the GUID by providing a UTF-8 string (of type str).

class LocalizedText

class pyuaf.util.LocalizedText(*args)

A LocalizedText is text with a locale attached.

  • Methods:

    __init__([locale[, text]])

    Construct a new LocalizedText in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import LocalizedText
    >>> # the following ways of constructing a QualifiedName are possible:
    >>> lText0 = LocalizedText()                        # incomplete, no information given!
    >>> lText1 = LocalizedText("en", "My English Text") # OK
    >>> lText2 = LocalizedText("", "My Text")           # OK (no specific locale given)
    >>> # strings are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded!
    >>> unicodeObject = u"40\u00B0 Celsius ist eine hei\u00DFe Temperatur!"
    >>> lText3 = LocalizedText("de", unicodeObject.encode("UTF-8"))

    Check if the localized text has a NULL value. When the localized text has a null value, the text and locale methods will return empty strings.

    Returns:True if NULL.
    Return type:bool

    Get the text part of the LocalizedText, as an UTF-8 encoded string.

    Returns:The text part.
    Return type:str

    Get the locale part of the LocalizedText.

    Returns:The locale part (e.g. “en”, “de”, “nl”, “”, ...).
    Return type:str

    Get a string of the locale part + the text part.

    Returns:The localized text.
    Return type:str

class LoggingInterface

class pyuaf.util.LoggingInterface

A LoggingInterface interface class can be implemented to receive log messages.

For instance, the pyuaf.client.Client class is implementing this interface. As a regular UAF user, you should not have to deal with this interface directly.

  • Methods:


    A new log message was received.

    Parameters:message (pyuaf.util.LogMessage) – The log message that was received.

class LogMessage

class pyuaf.util.LogMessage(*args)

A LogMessage instance contains a timestamp, a log level, an informative message, etc.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> import time

>>> # normally you receive log messages from a pyuaf.client.Client instance,
>>> # but in this case we'll create a log message manually:
>>> msg = pyuaf.util.LogMessage(pyuaf.util.loglevels.Debug,
...                             "MyApp",
...                             "MyLogger",
...                             "Something has happened,\n"
...                             + "requiring a big multi-line description!")

>>> niceLocalTimeString =  time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(msg.ctime))
>>> niceLocalTimeString += ".%.3d" %msg.msec

>>> stringToWrittenToFile  = "New log message:"
>>> stringToWrittenToFile += " - time received    : %s" %niceLocalTimeString
>>> stringToWrittenToFile += " - application name : %s" %msg.applicationName
>>> stringToWrittenToFile += " - logger name      : %s" %msg.loggerName
>>> stringToWrittenToFile += " - level            : %d = %s" %(msg.level, pyuaf.util.loglevels.toString(msg.level))
>>> for line in msg.message.splitlines():
...     stringToWrittenToFile += " - message lines    : %s" %line

>>> theWholeMessageAtOnce = str(msg)
  • Methods:

    __init__(level, applicationName, loggerName, message)

    Construct a new LogMessage.

    The ‘ctime’ timestamp will be set to the construction time.


    Get a formatted string representation of the log message.

  • Attributes:


    The timestamp as a 64-bit number (the “c-time”) expressing the seconds that passed since the epoch, as an int.


    The number of milliseconds past the ctime, as an int.


    The log level as an int (as defined in pyuaf.util.loglevels).


    The name of the application that owns the logger (type str).


    The name of the logger that produced the log message (type str).


    The actual informative message to be logged (type str).

class Mask

class pyuaf.util.Mask(*args)

This is a boolean mask to mark items as ‘set’ (boolean True) or ‘unset’ (boolean False).

The mask keeps track of the number of ‘set’ and ‘unset’ values. This means you can very efficiently call countSet() and countUnset().

  • Methods:

    __init__([initialSize[, initialValue]])

    Construct a new Mask.

    The initial size can optionally be given. If the initial size is given, also the initial value of all initial elements can be given.

    • initialSize (int) – (Optional) Initial number of elements of the mask.
    • initialValue (bool) – (Optional) Value (True or False) of the initial elements.

    Resize the mask.

    Parameters:newSize (int) – The size the mask should be having.

    The current size of the mask.

    Returns:The current number of elements.
    Return type:int

    Get the number of ‘set’ elements.

    Returns:The current number of ‘set’ elements.
    Return type:int

    Get the number of ‘unset’ elements.

    Returns:The current number of ‘unset’ elements.
    Return type:int

    Set the i’th mask item (i.e. make it True).

    Parameters:i (int) – The number of the item that should be ‘set’.

    Unset the i’th mask item (i.e. make it False).

    Parameters:i (int) – The number of the item that should be ‘unset’.

    Logically AND this mask with another mask element-wise.

    Parameters:otherMask (pyuaf.util.Mask) – The other mask.
    Returns:A new mask, the logical AND result of the current one and the other one.
    Return type:pyuaf.util.Mask

class Matrix

class pyuaf.util.Matrix(*args)

Matrix holds an n-dimensional matrix.

  • Methods:


    Construct an empty matrix.


    Clear the matrix.

    Returns:Good if the matrix is valid, bad if not.
    Return type:pyuaf.util.Status

    Get the element at certain dimension numbers.

    For example, getElement([1,3,2]) to get matrix[1][3][2]

    Parameters:dimensionNumbers – a list of int, e.g. [1,2,3].
    Returns:The element corresponding to the dimensionNumbers
    setElement(dimensionNumbers, value)

    Change the element at certain dimension numbers.

    For example, setElement([1,3,2], UInt32(3)) to set matrix[1][3][2].

    • dimensionNumbers – a list of int, e.g. [1,2,3].
    • value – The element corresponding to the dimensionNumbers, which could be of several types: see A note on dynamic data types.

    Get the element number for given dimension numbers.

    For example, getElementNumber([0,0,0]) returns 0, getElementNumber([0,0,1]) returns 1, and so on.

    Parameters:dimensionNumbers – a list of int, e.g. [1,2,3].
    Returns:The element number corresponding to the dimensionNumbers, as an int.
  • Attributes:


    The built-in OPC UA type of the matrix (an int defined in pyuaf.util.opcuatypes).


    A list of elements, which could be of several types: see A note on dynamic data types.


    The dimensions of the matrix, as a list of int.

class ModelChangeStructureDataType

class pyuaf.util.ModelChangeStructureDataType(*args)

A ModelChangeStructureDataType is usually passed as an event to notify model changes.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ModelChangeStructureDataType.

  • Attributes:


    The NodeId of the affected node (type NodeId).


    The NodeId of the affected datatype (type NodeId).


    The verb field (an int).

class ModificationInfo

class pyuaf.util.ModificationInfo(*args)

A ModificationInfo instance holds some information about a historical data modification.

class ModificationInfoVector

class pyuaf.util.ModificationInfoVector(*args)

A ModificationInfoVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.ModificationInfo. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of ModificationInfo.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ModificationInfoVector, ModificationInfo, DateTime

>>> # construct a ModificationInfoVector without elements:
>>> vec = ModificationInfoVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(ModificationInfo())

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec[0].userName = "John"

>>> vec.resize(2)
>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2
>>> vec[1].userName          = "Wim"
>>> vec[1].historyUpdateType = ModificationInfo.HistoryUpdateType_Delete
>>> vec[1].modificationTime  =

>>> # you may construct a ModificationInfoVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = ModificationInfoVector( [ ModificationInfo(), ModificationInfo() ] )

class NodeId

class pyuaf.util.NodeId(*args)

A NodeId identifies the node within an address space. It is not bound to a specific server (use an pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId for that).

  • Methods:


    Construct a NodeId.

    A NodeId should contain an identifier (e.g. a string or a numeric value) and some information about the namespace (a namespace URI and/or a namespace index).

    Usage example:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import NodeId, Guid, NodeIdIdentifier
    >>> nsUri = "myNameSpaceUri"
    >>> nsIndex = 3
    >>> nodeId0 = NodeId() # contains no information
    >>> nodeId1 = NodeId("myStringIdentifier", nsUri)
    >>> nodeId2 = NodeId("myStringIdentifier", nsUri, nsIndex)  # nsIndex is redundant information, avoid!
    >>> nodeId3 = NodeId("myStringIdentifier", nsIndex)         # namespace indexes may change, better use namespace uris!
    >>> nodeId4 = NodeId(2345, nsUri)
    >>> nodeId5 = NodeId(2345, nsUri, nsIndex)   # nsIndex is redundant information, avoid!
    >>> nodeId6 = NodeId(2345, nsIndex)          # namespace indexes may change, better use namespace uris!
    >>> guid = Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}")
    >>> nodeId7 = NodeId(guid, nsUri)
    >>> nodeId8 = NodeId(guid, nsUri, nsIndex) # nsIndex is redundant information here, avoid!
    >>> nodeId9 = NodeId(guid, nsIndex)        # namespace indexes may change, better use namespace uris!
    >>> identifier = NodeIdIdentifier("myStringIdentifier")
    >>> nodeId10 = NodeId(identifier, nsUri)
    >>> nodeId11 = NodeId(identifier, nsUri, nsIndex) # nsIndex is redundant information here, avoid!
    >>> nodeId12 = NodeId(identifier, nsIndex)        # namespace indexes may change, better use namespace uris!

    Check if a non-empty namespace URI was given.

    Returns:True if this NodeId contains a non-empty server URI, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if a namespace index was given.

    Returns:True if a namespaceIndex has been defined, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the namespace URI of the NodeId.

    This function will always return a string, so call hasNameSpaceUri() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The namespace URI.
    Return type:str

    Get the namespace index of the NodeId.

    This function will always return an int, so call hasNameSpaceIndex() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The namespace index.
    Return type:int

    Get the NodeIdIdentifier part of the NodeId.

    Returns:The NodeIdIdentifier part.
    Return type:pyuaf.util.NodeIdIdentifier

    Set the namespace URI of the NodeId.

    Parameters:uri (str) – The namespace URI.

    Set the namespace index of the NodeId.

    Parameters:uri (int) – The namespace index.

    Was the NodeId initialized with some contents?

    Returns:True if the NodeId does not have any contents.
    Return type:bool

class NodeIdIdentifier

class pyuaf.util.NodeIdIdentifier(*args)

A NodeIdIdentifier is the identifier part of a NodeId.

class PkiCertificate

class pyuaf.util.PkiCertificate(*args)

A PkiCertificate holds a X509 certificate.

Here’s some example code to set up a certificate:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import PkiRsaKeyPair, PkiIdentity, PkiCertificateInfo, PkiCertificate

>>> # we'll need the hostname of the computer later on:
>>> import socket
>>> hostName = socket.gethostname()

>>> # we will create a self-signed certificate, which means that the subject and issuer are the same!

>>> keyPair = PkiRsaKeyPair(1024)
>>> issuerPrivateKey = keyPair.privateKey()
>>> subjectPublicKey = keyPair.publicKey()

>>> identity = PkiIdentity()
>>> identity.commonName         = "Wim Pessemier"
>>> identity.organization       = "KU Leuven"
>>> identity.organizationUnit   = "Institute of Astronomy"
>>> identity.locality           = "Leuven"
>>>            = "BE"

>>> info = PkiCertificateInfo()
>>> info.uri        = "urn:%s:InstituteOfAstronomy::MyExampleCode" %hostName # must be unique!
>>> info.dns        = hostName
>>> info.eMail      = ""
>>> info.validTime  = 60*60*24*365*5 # 5 years

>>> certificate = PkiCertificate(info, identity, subjectPublicKey,  identity, issuerPrivateKey)
  • Class attributes:

    Action_Reject = 0
    Action_AcceptTemporarily = 1
    Action_AcceptPermanently = 2
    Extension_SubjectAltName = 85
    Extension_BasicConstraints = 87
    Extension_NetscapeComment = 78
    Extension_SubjectKeyIdentifier = 82
    Extension_AuthorityKeyIdentifier = 90
    Extension_KeyUsage = 83
    Extension_ExtendedKeyUsage = 126
  • Methods:


    Construct a new PkiCertificate with the following arguments:


    Check if the certificate has data.

    Returns:True if the certificate has data, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the signature is not expired.

    Returns:True if the certificate is valid, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the certificate is self-signed (i.e. if the subject and issuer are the same).

    Returns:True if the certificate is self-signed, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the public key of the certificate.

    Returns:The public key of the certificate.
    Return type:PkiPublicKey

    Convenience method to get the common name of the subject. (equals myPkiCertificate.subject().commonName).

    Returns:The common name of the subject.
    Return type:str

    Get the identity of the subject of the certificate.

    Returns:The subject.
    Return type:PkiIdentity

    Get the identity of the issuer of the certificate.

    Returns:The issuer.
    Return type:PkiIdentity

    Get the hash of the subject name.

    Returns:The hash of the subject name (e.g. 1877523877).
    Return type:long

    Get information from the X509v3 extension “subjectAltName” (SAN). It allows various values to be associated with a security certificate.


    validTime will not be filled, use validFrom() and validTo() instead!

    Returns:The certificate info without validTime.
    Return type:PkiCertificateInfo

    Get the start date from when the certificate is valid.

    Returns:The start date from when the certificate is valid.
    Return type:DateTime

    Get the end date until when the certificate is valid.

    Returns:The end date until when the certificate is valid.
    Return type:DateTime

    Get the X.509 serial number (a unique number issued by the certificate issuer), as a hexadecimal string.

    Returns:The serial number (e.g. “542BA97B”).
    Return type:str

    Get the numerical ID (NID) of the signature algorithm type.

    Returns:The signature algorithm type NID (e.g. 65).
    Return type:int

    Get a string representation of the numerical ID (NID) of the signature algorithm type.

    Returns:The signature algorithm type as a string (e.g. “RSA-SHA1”).
    Return type:str

    Check if the certificate has the given extension.

    Parameters:extension (int) – Extension ID, e.g. pyuaf.util.PkiCertificate.Extension_SubjectAltName.
    Returns:True if the extension is present, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the value of the given extension if the extension is present.

    Parameters:extension (int) – Extension ID, e.g. pyuaf.util.PkiCertificate.Extension_SubjectAltName.
    Returns:The value as a string.
    Return type:str

    Get a DER encoded bytearray of the certificate.

    Returns:DER encoded data.
    Return type:bytearray

    Write the certificate to a DER-encoded file with the given filename. An error code is returned (0 if success).

    Note that the directories in which the file should reside, must already exist! This function will only create a file, no directories!

    Parameters:fileName (str) – The filename (may be relative or absolute).
    Returns:Error code (0 if success).
    Return type:int

    Write the certificate to a PEM-encoded file with the given filename. An error code is returned (0 if success).

    Note that the directories in which the file should reside, must already exist! This function will only create a file, no directories!

    Parameters:fileName (str) – The filename (may be relative or absolute).
    Returns:Error code (0 if success).
    Return type:int

    Get a SHA1 thumb print (finger print) of the certficate. It is a short sequence of bytes used to identify a certificate efficiently.

    Returns:Thumb print data.
    Return type:bytearray

    Get a list of errors.

    Returns:A list of error descriptions.
    Return type:list of str
  • Class methods:

    static fromDER()

    Static method to get a certificate from a DER encoded bytearray.

    Parameters:data (bytearray) – DER data.
    Returns:A new certificate instance.
    Return type:PkiCertificate
    static fromDERFile()

    Static method to get a certificate from a DER encoded file.

    Parameters:fileName (str) – File name of the DER file.
    Returns:A new certificate instance.
    Return type:PkiCertificate
    static fromPEMFile()

    Static method to get a certificate from a PEM encoded file.

    Parameters:fileName (str) – File name of the PEM file.
    Returns:A new certificate instance.
    Return type:PkiCertificate

class PkiCertificateInfo

class pyuaf.util.PkiCertificateInfo(*args)
A PkiCertificateInfo holds some information about a PkiCertificate.
  • Methods:


    Construct a new PkiCertificateInfo.

  • Attributes:


    The URI of the application certificate, as a string (type str).


    The IP addresses of the application certificate, as a StringVector. Optional if no DNS is available.


    The DNS names of the application certificate, as a StringVector.


    The e-mail address of the application certificate, as a string (type str).


    The valid time of the application certificate, in seconds, as a long.

class PkiPrivateKey

class pyuaf.util.PkiPrivateKey(*args)
A PkiPrivateKey is just a container for a private key.


A private key only makes sense in combination with a public key. Therefore you should never create a PkiPrivateKey instance using the constructor of PkiPrivateKey. Instead, always create a PkiRsaKeyPair and get the private key from there (i.e. via its privateKey() method). See the documentation of PkiRsaKeyPair to see example code of how to create a private key via a key pair.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new PkiPrivateKey... in a bad way! See the note above to understand why you should avoid calling this constructor directly!

class PkiPublicKey

class pyuaf.util.PkiPublicKey(*args)
A PkiPublicKey can hold an RSA or DSA encrypted public key.


A public key only makes sense in combination with a private key. Therefore you should never create a PkiPublicKey instance using the constructor of PkiPublicKey. Instead, always create a PkiRsaKeyPair and get the public key from there (i.e. via its publicKey() method). See the documentation of PkiRsaKeyPair to see example code of how to create a public key via a key pair.


The SDK (up to 1.4.2) contains a bug so that your application may crash (segmentation fault) if the data of the PkiPublicKey make no sense. To avoid this, always create a public key from a key pair (which should also contain sensible data).

  • Class attributes:

    RSA = 0
    DSA = 1
    Unknown = 2
  • Class methods:

    static fromDER(data)

    Read the public key from a DER encoded bytearray.

    Parameters:data (bytearray) – The DER encoded data.
    Returns:A new PkiPublicKey instance.
    Return type:PkiPublicKey
  • Instance Methods:


    Construct a new PkiPublicKey... in a bad way! See the note above to understand why you should avoid calling this constructor directly!

  • Attributes:


    Get the type of the key.

    Returns:Either RSA or DSA or Unknown.
    Return type:int

    Get the size of the key.

    Returns:The size of the key.
    Return type:int

    Write the public key to a DER encoded bytearray.

    Returns:The DER encoded bytearray.
    Return type:bytearray

    Get a list of errors.

    Returns:A list of error descriptions.
    Return type:list of str

class PkiRsaKeyPair

class pyuaf.util.PkiRsaKeyPair(*args)

A PkiRsaKeyPair holds a private and a public key pair.

Creating a PkiRsaKeyPair is the only sensible way to create a PkiPublicKey and PkiPrivateKey:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> pair = pyuaf.util.PkiRsaKeyPair(1024)
>>> publicKey = pair.publicKey()
>>> privateKey = pair.privateKey()


The SDK (up to 1.4.2) contains a bug so that your application may crash (segmentation fault) if the data of the key pair make no sense. To avoid this, always make sure your key pair has sensible data (e.g. don’t use pyuaf.util.PkiRsaKeyPair.fromPEMFile() with gibberish data).

  • Class methods:

    static fromPEMFile(args*)

    Read the key pair from a PEM file.

    If the file is not protected by a password, then just provide one argument (the file name). If the file is protected by a password, then provide 2 arguments (the file name must be the first argument, the password must be the second argument).

    • fileName (str) – The filename, e.g. “keypair.pem” or “somefolder/keypair.pem” or an absolute path.
    • password (str) – The password of the file.

    A new PkiRsaKeyPair instance.

    Return type:


    static checkKeyPair(args*)

    Check if a public and private key pair matches.


    True if the keys match, False if not.

    Return type:



    This method may crash when empty keys are checked, due to a bug in the SDK!!! Bug present in SDK v1.4.2.

  • Instance Methods:

    __init__(bits = 1024)

    Construct a new PkiRsaKeyPair.

    Parameters:bits (int) – The encryption bitsize.

    Get the private key of this pair.

    Returns:The private key.
    Return type:PkiPrivateKey

    Get the public key of this pair.

    Returns:The public key.
    Return type:PkiPublicKey

    Write the key pair to an unprotected PEM file.

    If the file is not protected by a password, then just provide one argument (the file name). If the file is protected by a password, then provide 2 arguments (the file name must be the first argument, the password must be the second argument).

    Note that the directories in which the file should reside, must already exist! This function will only create a file, no directories!

    • fileName (str) – The filename, e.g. “keypair.pem” or “somefolder/keypair.pem” or an absolute path.
    • password (str) – The password of the file.

    exit code (0 on success).

    Return type:



    Write the key pair to a DER encoded bytearray.

    Returns:The DER encoded bytearray.
    Return type:bytearray

    Check if the key pair is valid.

    Returns:True if the key pair is valid, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get a list of errors.

    Returns:A list of error descriptions.
    Return type:list of str

class PkiIdentity

class pyuaf.util.PkiIdentity(*args)
PkiIdentity holds the identity of the subject and issuer of a certificate.
  • Methods:


    Construct a new PkiIdentity.


    Is the PKI identity filled out, or empty?

    Return type:bool
  • Attributes:


    The organization as a string (type str).


    The organization unit as a string (type str).


    The locality as a string (type str).


    The state as a string (type str).


    The country code as a string (type str).

    Note that invalid data (e.g. “Belgium” instead of the correct “BE”) will be stored by the PkiIdentity, but this data may get lost when it is converted to a X509 certificate.


    The common name as a string (type str).


    The domain component as a string (type str).

class QualifiedName

class pyuaf.util.QualifiedName(*args)

An QualifiedName consists of a name and a corresponding namespace index or namespace URI.

  • Methods:

    __init__([name[, nameSpaceUri[, nameSpaceIndex]]])

    Construct a new QualifiedName in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import QualifiedName
    >>> name    = "MyName"
    >>> nsUri   = "myNameSpaceUri"
    >>> nsIndex = 2
    >>> # the following ways of constructing a QualifiedName are possible:
    >>> qName0 = QualifiedName()                        # incomplete, no information given!
    >>> qName1 = QualifiedName(name)                    # incomplete, no namespace information!
    >>> qName2 = QualifiedName(name, nsUri)             # OK, fully qualified
    >>> qName3 = QualifiedName(name, nsIndex)           # OK, fully qualified
    >>> qName4 = QualifiedName(name, nsUri, nsIndex)    # OK, fully qualified
    >>> # strings are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded!
    >>> unicodeObject = u"40\u00B0 Celsius ist eine hei\u00DFe Temperatur!"
    >>> qName5 = QualifiedName(unicodeObject.encode("UTF-8"), nsUri)

    Check if a non-empty namespace URI was given.

    Returns:True if this QualifiedName contains a non-empty server URI, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Check if a namespace index was given.

    Returns:True if a namespaceIndex has been defined, False if not.
    Return type:bool

    Get the name part of the QualifiedName.

    Returns:The name part.
    Return type:str

    Get the namespace URI of the QualifiedName.

    This function will always return a string, so call hasNameSpaceUri() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The namespace URI.
    Return type:str

    Get the namespace index of the QualifiedName.

    This function will always return an int, so call hasNameSpaceIndex() to see if it’s a valid one.

    Returns:The namespace index.
    Return type:int

    Set the name part of the QualifiedName.

    Parameters:name (str) – The name part.

    Set the namespace URI of the QualifiedName.

    Parameters:uri (str) – The namespace URI.

    Set the namespace index of the QualifiedName.

    Parameters:uri (int) – The namespace index.

class QualifiedNameVector

class pyuaf.util.QualifiedNameVector(*args)

A QualifiedNameVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.QualifiedName. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of QualifiedName.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import QualifiedNameVector, QualifiedName

>>> # construct a QualifiedNameVector without elements:
>>> vec = QualifiedNameVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(QualifiedName("some name", "/some/URI/"))

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(2)

>>> vec[1].setName("Some other name")
>>> vec[1].setNameSpaceUri("/some/other/URI/")

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a QualifiedNameVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = QualifiedNameVector( [ QualifiedName("a", "uriA"),
...                                       QualifiedName("b", "uriB") ] )

class Range

class pyuaf.util.Range(*args)

A Range conveys information about the highest and lowest value of a variable.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new Range in one of the following ways:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import Range, ExtensionObject
    >>> range1 = Range()
    >>> range2 = Range(ExtensionObject())
    >>> range3 = Range(0.0, 100.0)

    Clear the object.


    Get the low value as a `float`.


    Get the high value as a `float`.


    Set the low value.

    Parameters:low (`float`.) – The low value.

    Set the high value.

    Parameters:high (`float`.) – The high value.

class ReferenceDescription

class pyuaf.util.ReferenceDescription(*args)

A ReferenceDescription instance describes a Reference to a specific Node in some address space.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ReferenceDescription.


    Get a string representation of the ReferenceDescription.

  • Attributes:


    The NodeId (as a pyuaf.util.NodeId) of the type of the reference.


    A bool: True if the server followed a forward reference, False if not.


    The ExpandedNodeId (as a pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId) of the node to which the reference is pointing.


    The browse name (as a pyuaf.util.QualifiedName) of the node to which the reference is pointing.


    The display name (as a pyuaf.util.LocalizedText) of the node to which the reference is pointing.


    The node class of the node to which the reference is pointing, as an int as defined in the pyuaf.util.nodeclasses module.


    The ExpandedNodeId (as a pyuaf.util.ExpandedNodeId) of the type of the node to which the reference is pointing to (only in case the node class of this node is an Object or a Variable).

class ReferenceDescriptionVector

class pyuaf.util.ReferenceDescriptionVector(*args)

A ReferenceDescriptionVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.ReferenceDescription. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of ReferenceDescription.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ReferenceDescriptionVector, ReferenceDescription, ExpandedNodeId

>>> # construct a ReferenceDescriptionVector without elements:
>>> vec = ReferenceDescriptionVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(ReferenceDescription())

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(2)

>>> vec[1].nodeId    = ExpandedNodeId("SomeId", "SomeNameSpace", "SomeServerUri")
>>> vec[1].nodeClass = pyuaf.util.nodeclasses.Variable

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a ReferenceDescriptionVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = ReferenceDescriptionVector( [ ReferenceDescription(),
...                                              ReferenceDescription() ] )

class RelativePath

class pyuaf.util.RelativePath(*args)

A RelativePath is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.RelativePathElement. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.RelativePathElement.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import RelativePath, RelativePathElement

>>> # construct a RelativePath without elements:
>>> path = RelativePath()

>>> noOfElements = len(path) # will be 0

>>> path.append(RelativePathElement())

>>> noOfElements = len(path) # will be 1

>>> path.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(path) # will be 4

>>> element0 = path[0]

>>> # you may construct a RelativePath from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherPath = RelativePath( [RelativePathElement(), RelativePathElement()] )

class RelativePathElement

class pyuaf.util.RelativePathElement(*args)

A RelativePathElement describes one element of a RelativePath and basically contains a target (a qualified name), the type of the reference to this target, and some other properties.

  • Methods:


    Construct a NodeIdIdentifier by providing a string or a numeric value (or nothing at all).

    You can construct a RelativePathElement like this:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util                  import RelativePathElement, QualifiedName, NodeId
    >>> from pyuaf.util.opcuaidentifiers import OpcUaId_HierarchicalReferences
    >>> elem0 = RelativePathElement()
    >>> elem1 = RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("SomeBrowseName", 42))
    >>> elem2 = RelativePathElement(QualifiedName("SomeBrowseName", 42), NodeId(OpcUaId_HierarchicalReferences, 0), True, False)
  • Attributes:


    The target name (a QualifiedName).


    The reference type as a NodeId (which may, or may not be resolved).


    Flag specifying whether or not the inverse reference is meant (as a bool).


    Flag specifying if subtypes of the reference type should be included (as a bool).

class SdkStatus

class pyuaf.util.SdkStatus(*args)

An SdkStatus stores the information (i.e. status code and message) of a Status object by the SDK.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new SdkStatus.


    Check if the status has a “good” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Good.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “good” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Good.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status has an “uncertain” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Uncertain.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “uncertain” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Uncertain.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status has a “bad” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Bad.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “bad” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Bad.
    Return type:bool
  • Attributes:


    Get the OPC UA status code.

    OPC UA status codes are not the same as UAF status codes! See the pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes and pyuaf.util.statuscodes modules for more info!

    Returns:The OPC UA status code, as defined by pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes.
    Return type:int

    Get the message of the SDK status.

    Returns:The message of the status.
    Return type:str

class ServerOnNetwork

class pyuaf.util.ServerOnNetwork(*args)

A ServerOnNetwork instance describes a Server found on the network using the FindServersOnNetwork service.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ApplicationDescription.

  • Attributes:


    The record id (type int).


    The server name (type str).


    The discovery server URL (type str).


    The server capabilities (a StringVector).

class ServerOnNetworkVector

class pyuaf.util.ServerOnNetworkVector(*args)

A ServerOnNetworkVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.ServerOnNetwork. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.ServerOnNetwork.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import ServerOnNetworkVector, \
...                        ServerOnNetwork

>>> # construct a ServerOnNetworkVector without elements:
>>> vec = ServerOnNetworkVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(ServerOnNetwork())

>>> vec[0].discoveryUrl = "opc.tcp://"
>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 4

>>> # you may construct a ServerOnNetworkVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = ServerOnNetworkVector( [ ServerOnNetwork(),
...                                         ServerOnNetwork() ] )

class SimpleAttributeOperand

class pyuaf.util.SimpleAttributeOperand(*args)

A SimpleAttributeOperand is part of a filter and can describe select clauses, where clauses, etc.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new SimpleAttributeOperand.


    Get a string representation of the SimpleAttributeOperand.

  • Attributes:


    The attribute id (e.g. pyuaf.util.attributeids.Value) as an int as defined in pyuaf.util.attributeids.


    A “simple” browse path (actually just a list of qualified names), as a QualifiedNameVector.


    The type id, as a NodeId.


    The index range of an array, as a str.

class SimpleAttributeOperandVector

class pyuaf.util.SimpleAttributeOperandVector(*args)

A SimpleAttributeOperandVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.SimpleAttributeOperand. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.SimpleAttributeOperand.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import SimpleAttributeOperandVector, \
...                        SimpleAttributeOperand, \
...                        QualifiedName, \
...                        NodeId

>>> # construct a SimpleAttributeOperandVector without elements:
>>> vec = SimpleAttributeOperandVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(SimpleAttributeOperand())

>>> vec[0].attributeId = pyuaf.util.attributeids.Value
>>> vec[0].browsePath.append(QualifiedName("some name", 3))
>>> vec[0].typeId = NodeId(pyuaf.util.opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_BaseEventType, 0)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 4

>>> # you may construct a SimpleAttributeOperandVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = SimpleAttributeOperandVector( [ SimpleAttributeOperand(),
...                                                SimpleAttributeOperand() ] )

class Status

class pyuaf.util.Status(*args)
A Status object holds a UAF status code, a message and an OPC UA status code.
  • Attributes:


    The UAF status code (an int as defined by pyuaf.util.statuscodes).

    UAF status codes are not the same as OPC UA status codes! For each UAF status code (except for Good and Uncertain), there is a corresponding error. See the pyuaf.util.statuscodes and pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes modules for more info!

  • Methods:


    Construct a Status by providing a UAF status code (as defined by pyuaf.util.statuscodes).

    UAF Status objects are Uncertain by default.

    You can construct a Status like this:

    >>> import pyuaf
    >>> from pyuaf.util import Status, statuscodes
    >>> from pyuaf.util.errors import InvalidServerUriError
    >>> status0 = Status() # Uncertain by default!
    >>> status1 = Status(statuscodes.Good)
    >>> status2 = Status(InvalidServerUriError("http://invalid/server/uri"))

    Important method: raise an error if the status is Bad! E.g. if ~pyuaf.util.Status.statusCode equals pyuaf.util.statuscodes.InvalidServerUriError, then a pyuaf.util.errors.InvalidServerUriError will be raised! If the ~pyuaf.util.Status.statusCode attribute is ~pyuaf.util.statuscodes.Good or ~pyuaf.util.statuscodes.Uncertain, nothing will happen when you call this method.


    Set the status to Good.


    Set the status to Uncertain.


    Check if the status has a “good” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Good.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “good” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Good.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status has an “uncertain” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Uncertain.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “uncertain” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Uncertain.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status has a “bad” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is Bad.
    Return type:bool

    Check if the status does not have a “bad” status code.

    Returns:True if the status is not Bad.
    Return type:bool

    Get the name of the UAF status code.

    UAF status codes are not the same as OPC UA status codes! See the pyuaf.util.statuscodes and pyuaf.util.opcuastatuscodes modules for more info!

    Returns:The name of the UAF status code.
    Return type:str

    Make a “summary” of other statuses.

    Bad is dominant to Uncertain, which is dominant to Good. So if any Bad status is present, the summary will be “Bad”. If no Bad statuses are present but any Uncertain status is present, the summary will be Uncertain. And if only Good statuses are present, the summary will be Good.

    Parameters:statuses (pyuaf.util.StatusVector.) – The statuses to summarize.

    Check if this (bad!) status is raised by some other status.

    Returns:True if this status was raised by some other status.
    Return type:bool

    If this status is raised by some other status, get a copy of this other status. It only make sense to call this method when ~pyuaf.util.Status.isRaisedBy returns True.

    Returns:Get a copy of the status that raised this status.
    Return type:Status

    Store the status that caused this status (i.e. the current instance).

    Parameters:status (Status) – The status that caused this (bad!) status.

class StatusVector

class pyuaf.util.StatusVector(*args)

A StatusVector is a container that holds elements of type pyuaf.util.Status. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of pyuaf.util.Status.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import Status, StatusVector

>>> # construct a StatusVector without elements:
>>> statuses = StatusVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(statuses) # will be 0

>>> statuses.append(Status())

>>> noOfElements = len(statuses) # will be 1

>>> statuses.resize(4)

>>> noOfElements = len(statuses) # will be 4

>>> element0 = statuses[0]

>>> # you may construct a StatusVector from a regular Python list:
>>> otherStatuses = StatusVector( [Status(), Status()] )

class StringVector

class pyuaf.util.StringVector(*args)

A StringVector is a container that holds string elements. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of string.

Usage example:

# examples/pyuaf/util/
Example: how to use a StringVector

A StringVector is a container that holds string elements. 
It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality
as a list of str.

See the HTML documentation of PyUAF for more info!

import pyuaf
from pyuaf.util import StringVector

# construct a StringVector without elements:
strings = StringVector()

noOfElements = len(strings) # will be 0
print("noOfElements (should be 0): %d" %noOfElements)


noOfElements = len(strings) # will be 1
print("noOfElements (should be 1): %d" %noOfElements)


noOfElements = len(strings) # will be 4
print("noOfElements (should be 4): %d" %noOfElements)

# The first element (index 0) is "foo", the other 3 elements are empty strings ("")
# So we fill these strings now: 
strings[1] = "x"
strings[2] = "y"
strings[3] = "z"

print("'strings' element 0: %s" %strings[0])
print("'strings' element 1: %s" %strings[1])
print("'strings' element 2: %s" %strings[2])
print("'strings' element 3: %s" %strings[3])

# you may also construct a StringVector from a regular Python list:
otherStrings = StringVector( ["foo", "bar"] )

print("'otherStrings' element 0: %s" %otherStrings[0])
print("'otherStrings' element 1: %s" %otherStrings[1])

class StructureDefinition

class pyuaf.util.StructureDefinition(*args)

A StructureDefinition instance defines the fields of structures and unions.

See also

Check out example How to read and write structures? for more information.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new StructureDefinition in one of the following ways:


    True if the definition is NULL, False if not.


    Clear the definition.


    Set the datatype id.

    Parameters:dataTypeId (NodeId) – The datatype id.

    Get the datatype id.

    Returns:The datatype id.
    Return type:NodeId

    Change the name of the structure.

    Parameters:name (str) – The new name of the structure.

    Get the name of the structure

    Returns:The name of the structure definition
    Return type:str

    Change the documentation of the structure.

    Parameters:documentation (LocalizedText) – The new documentation of the structure.

    Get the name of the documentation

    Returns:The documentation of the structure definition
    Return type:LocalizedText

    Change the namespace of the structure.

    Parameters:namespace (str) – The new namespace of the structure.

    Get the namespace of the structure

    Returns:The namespace of the structure definition
    Return type:str

    Change the base type of the definition.

    Parameters:baseType (StructureDefinition) – The base type.

    Get the base type of the structure

    Returns:The namespace of the structure definition
    Return type:NodeId

    Create and return a subtype.

    Returns:A subtype of the structure definition.
    Return type:StructureDefinition

    Get the number of children.

    Returns:The number of children of the definition.
    Return type:int

    Get the specified child.

    Parameters:i (int) – The index of the child.
    Returns:The field.
    Return type:StructureField

    Add the given child.

    Parameters:newChild (StructureField) – The new child.

    Remove the field with the given name.

    Parameters:i (str) – The name of the field.

    Does the definition represent a Union?

    Returns:True if it’s a union.
    Return type:bool

    Set the binary encoding ID.

    Parameters:nodeId (NodeId) – The encoding NodeId.

    Get the binary encoding ID.

    Returns:The encoding NodeId.
    Return type:NodeId

    Set the XML encoding ID.

    Parameters:nodeId (NodeId) – The encoding NodeId.

    Get the XML encoding ID.

    Returns:The encoding NodeId.
    Return type:NodeId

    Get a string representation.

class StructureField

class pyuaf.util.StructureField(*args)

A StructureField holds a field of a StructureDefinition (it wraps the SDK UaStructureField quite literally).

See also

Check out example How to read and write structures? for more information.

  • Class attributes:

    • Possible Encoding types:

      ArrayType_Scalar = 0

      An int identifying whether the field is a scalar or an array: in this case a scalar!

      ArrayType_Array = 1

      An int identifying whether the field is a scalar or an array: in this case an array!

  • Methods:


    Construct a new StructureField.


    Is the name of the field empty?

    Returns:True if the name is empty.
    Return type:bool

    Get the name of the field.

    Returns:The name of the field.
    Return type:str

    Set the name of the field.

    Parameters:name (str) – New name.

    Get the documentation of the field.

    Returns:The documentation of the field.
    Return type:LocalizedText

    Set the documentation of the field.

    Parameters:name (LocalizedText) – New documentation.

    Set the datatype id of the field.

    Parameters:name (NodeId) – New datatype id.

    Get the datatype id of the field.

    Returns:The documentation of the field.
    Return type:NodeId

    Get the built-in OPC UA type of the field.

    Returns:An int defined in pyuaf.util.opcuatypes
    Return type:int

    Set the built-in OPC UA type of the field.

    Parameters:valueType (int) – An int defined in pyuaf.util.opcuatypes

    Get the array type of the field.

    Returns:Either ArrayType_Scalar or ArrayType_Array
    Return type:int

    Set the array type of the field.

    Parameters:arrayType (int) – Either ArrayType_Scalar or ArrayType_Array

    Unset a field.

    The field can be specified via the only argument: either:

    • the number of the field (an int)
    • or the name of the field (a str).
    Returns:The status: Good if the field could be unset, Bad otherwise. The statusCode of the SdkStatus will be OpcUa_BadInvalidArgument if the specified field could not be found.
    Return type:SdkStatus

    Get the datatype (built-in type, structure, structure array, union, ...) of a field.

    The field can be specified via the index argument.

    Parameters:index (int) – Index of the field.

    This method will return a tuple of (type, statuscode).


    Convert the structure into an ExtensionObject.

    This ExtensionObject can be written back to the server, e.g. after some fields have been changed.

    • extensionObject (ExtensionObject) – The ExtensionObject to update.
    • encoding (int) – Optional argument: the encoding for the ExtensionObject. If not specified, then the default value Encoding_Binary will be used.

    Get a string representation.

class UInt32Vector

class pyuaf.util.UInt32Vector(*args)

An UInt32Vector is a container that holds unsigned 32-bit int elements (not UInt32 objects!)

It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of int.

An UInt32Vector is exactly the same as a StringVector, except of course that it holds int elements instead of str elements. For an elaborate example, check out the example at the StringVector documentation.

class UserTokenPolicy

class pyuaf.util.UserTokenPolicy(*args)

A UserTokenPolicy instance describes the type, ID, issued token type, etc. of a user token.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new UserTokenPolicy.

  • Attributes:


    The policy ID as a str, as defined in pyuaf.util.securitypolicies.

    By default, the policyId is UA_None.


    The token type (e.g. UserName) (an int, as defined in pyuaf.util.usertokentypes).

    By default, the tokenType is Anonymous.


    The issued token type as a str.


    The issuer endpoint URL as a str.


    The security policy URI as a str.

class UserTokenPolicyVector

class pyuaf.util.UserTokenPolicyVector(*args)

A QualifiedNameVector is a container that holds elements of type UserTokenPolicy. It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of UserTokenPolicy.

Usage example:

>>> import pyuaf
>>> from pyuaf.util import UserTokenPolicyVector, UserTokenPolicy

>>> # construct a UserTokenPolicyVector without elements:
>>> vec = UserTokenPolicyVector()

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 0

>>> vec.append(UserTokenPolicy())
>>> vec[0].policyId = pyuaf.util.securitypolicies.UA_Basic128Rsa15

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 1

>>> vec.resize(2)
>>> vec[1].policyId = pyuaf.util.securitypolicies.UA_Basic256Rsa15

>>> noOfElements = len(vec) # will be 2

>>> # you may construct a UserTokenPolicyVector from a regular Python list:
>>> someOtherVec = UserTokenPolicyVector( [ UserTokenPolicy(), UserTokenPolicy() ] )

class VariantVector

class pyuaf.util.VariantVector(*args)

A VariantVector is a container that holds variants (so variables with a dynamic data type). It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality as a list of values, where the values can be instances of:

Usage example:

# examples/pyuaf/util/
Example: how to use a VariantVector

A VariantVector is a container that holds elements of a dynamic data type. 
It is an artifact automatically generated from the C++ UAF code, and has the same functionality
as a list of variables values, where the values can be instances of:

  - None
  - pyuaf.util.primitives.Boolean
  - pyuaf.util.primitives.UInt32
  - pyuaf.util.QualifiedName
  - pyuaf.util.LocalizedText
  - ...

See the HTML documentation of PyUAF for more info!

import pyuaf
from pyuaf.util import VariantVector

# construct a VariantVector without elements:
vec = VariantVector()

noOfElements = len(vec)
print("noOfElements (should be 0): %d" %noOfElements)

# now we append an unsigned 32-bit integer, a boolean, and a localized text: 
vec.append( pyuaf.util.primitives.UInt32(1234) )
vec.append( pyuaf.util.primitives.Boolean(True) )
vec.append( pyuaf.util.LocalizedText("en", "Some text.") )

noOfElements = len(vec)
print("noOfElements (should be 3): %d" %len(vec))
print("Vector contents:")
for i in xrange(noOfElements):
    print(" - vec[%d] = %s" %(i, repr(vec[i])))

# now we resize the vector so that it contains 4 elements (the last one being a None value)

noOfElements = len(vec)
print("noOfElements (should be 4): %d" %noOfElements)
print("Vector contents:")
for i in xrange(noOfElements):
    print(" - vec[%d] = %s" %(i, repr(vec[i])))

# now we append an array of Floats.
# An OPC UA array can be defined as a python list. 
# All elements should have the same type, otherwise you will get a TypeError!
vec.append( [pyuaf.util.primitives.Float(0.1),
             pyuaf.util.primitives.Float(0.3) ] )

noOfElements = len(vec)

print("noOfElements (should be 5): %d" %noOfElements)
print("Vector contents:")
for i in xrange(noOfElements):
    print(" - vec[%d] = %s" %(i, repr(vec[i])))

print("Vector contents, using iterators:")
for element in vec:
    print(" - %s" %repr(element))

class ViewDescription

class pyuaf.util.ViewDescription(*args)

A ViewDescription instance specifies an OPC UA View.

  • Methods:


    Construct a new ViewDescription.

  • Attributes:


    The node id of the View to query.

    Leave the NodeId to its default value (= without any contents, so NodeId.isNull() will return True) if you want to specify the whole address space.