
This module contains a very long list of (more than 5000!) numerical identifiers, as defined by the OPC UA standard.

This list is not shipped with the UAF, it is generated from the stack include files.

The list is way too long to document here, so you are referred to the OPC UA specification documents.

All identifiers start with an OpcUaId_ prefix.

Here are some examples:

opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_BaseDataType = 24
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_Number = 26
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_Integer = 27
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_UInt32 = 7
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_VariableTypeNode = 270
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_EUInformation = 887
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_ConditionType_Disable = 9028
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType = 9764
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_RootFolder = 84
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_ObjectsFolder = 85
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_TypesFolder = 86
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_ViewsFolder = 87
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_ServerType_VendorServerInfo = 2011
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_Server_NamespaceArray = 2255
opcuaidentifiers.OpcUaId_Server_ServerArray = 2254

And here’s a little script you can use to print all identifiers to the standard out (“stdout”, e.g. the Windows DOS Prompt or the Linux shell) or write them to a file:

# examples/pyuaf/util/
Example: how to print all OPC UA identifiers

import pyuaf

# create a list that will contain tuples of (<identifierName>, <numericIdentifier>)
# such as ('OpcUaId_ObjectsFolder', 85)
identifierItems = []

# add all identifier items from the module to the list
for item in pyuaf.util.opcuaidentifiers.__dict__.items():
    if isinstance(item[1], int) and item[0][0] != '_':

# sort the list
identifierItems = sorted(identifierItems, key=lambda x: x[1])

# modify these flags to instruct the script to print the items to
# the screen and/or to write them to a file:
printToScreen = True
writeToFile   = False

# print the items to the screen if necessary
if printToScreen:
    for item in identifierItems:
        print("%s %d" %item)

# write the items to a file if necessary
if writeToFile:
    f = open('opcuaidentifiers.txt', 'w')
    for item in identifierItems:
        f.write("%s %d\n" %item)