
This module defines the types of OPC UA objects such as primitives (UInt32, Float, ...), NodeIds, QualifiedNames, ....

  • Attributes:

    opcuatypes.Null = 0
    opcuatypes.Boolean = 1
    opcuatypes.SByte = 2
    opcuatypes.Byte = 3
    opcuatypes.Int16 = 4
    opcuatypes.UInt16 = 5
    opcuatypes.Int32 = 6
    opcuatypes.UInt32 = 7
    opcuatypes.Int64 = 8
    opcuatypes.UInt64 = 9
    opcuatypes.Float = 10
    opcuatypes.Double = 11
    opcuatypes.String = 12
    opcuatypes.DateTime = 13
    opcuatypes.Guid = 14
    opcuatypes.ByteString = 15
    opcuatypes.XmlElement = 16
    opcuatypes.NodeId = 17
    opcuatypes.ExpandedNodeId = 18
    opcuatypes.StatusCode = 19
    opcuatypes.QualifiedName = 20
    opcuatypes.LocalizedText = 21
    opcuatypes.ExtensionObject = 22
    opcuatypes.DataValue = 23
    opcuatypes.Variant = 24
    opcuatypes.DiagnosticInfo = 25
  • Functions:


    Get a string representation of the OPC UA type.

    Parameters:type (int) – The type, e.g. pyuaf.util.opcuatypes.UInt64.
    Returns:The name of the type, e.g. ‘UInt64’.
    Return type:str