
This module defines the types of NodeId identifiers.

A NodeId is essentially an identifier defined by a namespace. The identifier (pyuaf.util.NodeIdIdentifier) can be represented by a string, a numerical value, a GUID (Globally Unique ID) or an Opaque value. These possible types are defined within this module.

  • Attributes:

    nodeididentifiertypes.Identifier_Numeric = 0

    The NodeId identifier is a numerical value.

    nodeididentifiertypes.Identifier_String = 1

    The NodeId identifier is a string.

    nodeididentifiertypes.Identifier_Guid = 2

    The NodeId identifier is a globally unique identifier (GUID).

    nodeididentifiertypes.Identifier_Opaque = 3

    The NodeId identifier is an opaque value.

  • Functions:


    Get a string representation of the NodeIdIdentifier type.

    Parameters:type (int) – The type, e.g. pyuaf.util.nodeididentifiertypes.Identifier_String.
    Returns:The name of the type, e.g. ‘String’.
    Return type:str